I’m sure many of us have weight management as a goal or as a part of a goal or resolutions for 2021! Just look at social media, traditional media and what health shops are promoting and selling related to weight loss! It can be SO confusing!!! How do you keep up with it all or cut through the noise so you know what approach is best? I HOPE you have been asking yourself about the most sustainable approach for a healthier lifestyle overall. I like to say, although it’s okay to have weight loss and better weight management as a goal and or resolution, think of it as a “side effect” of eating nutritious food and engaging in regular physical activity as well as putting in place a variety of self-love and self-care measures. 
Allow me to empower you with the science-based facts on fad diets! Get ready, it may be quite shocking when compared to the typical information we see on our screens!

Let’s start here:

Did you know 70% of all fad diets FAIL?!
When we lose weight, especially too quickly (like we would on a fad diet), our body goes into “starvation” mode. This means a hormone (leptin) tells our brains to save energy and slow down our metabolism because it thinks we don’t have enough food available to us. This is very helpful if you were to be stranded on a desert island, but not helpful when trying to lose weight. When the brain senses that it is not getting enough nutrition, it sends out hunger hormones—telling us to eat more. This is why you feel hungry when dieting!


If a diet being promoted to you has any of these following characteristics, it is a FAD DIET!

  • Promises ‘quick and easy’ weight loss
  • Requires little to no physical activity 
  • Limits or eliminates entire food groups: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein foods, dairy
  • Sounds too good to be true (it usually is!)
  • Lists foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’

Did you know there are risks associated with fad diets? 
Fad diets aren’t sustainable, period.

Ask yourself, how many people have you met that have done the same diet for years and years? Most people are only on diets for short periods of time since they are too hard to turn into a life practice. There is a high risk for weight to be regained and not just that! When people get off diets, they often regain all of their weight, if not more. There is also the added risk of nutrient deficiencies due to cutting out foods that contain the nutrients our bodies NEED to function properly. When we cut out food groups such as the ones listed below, there are the key nutrients we are missing out on such as:

  • Dairy—calcium and vitamin D
  • Fruits/Veggies—fiber, folate, potassium, so many vitamins and minerals and antioxidants
  • Protein Foods—protein, iron, zinc and magnesium
  • Whole Grains—fiber, B vitamins and iron

Without these good foods, your risk of developing chronic diseases is increased- did you know that?

In many instances, we are so focused on the scale we don’t realize what damage we are doing to our bodies and overall healthy. Let me say this loud and clear- SKINNY DOESN’T EQUAL HEALTHY. There is the risk of increased fatigue and reduced overall performance. This is especially true of diets that eliminate carbs, as they decrease overall energy. Our body needs carbs for basic metabolism- that is the conversion of food to energy. Fad diets can increase the risk of kidney stones & gout. This is from diets that are low in carbs and high in protein. Low carb diets trigger an increase in uric acid & calcium oxalate production which cause gout and kidney stones to form.

Finally, who actually enjoys such a restrictive diet?! Food is meant to be enjoyed and we shouldn’t be looking at food as “good” or “bad.” My wish for you all is to practice eating a well-balanced plate for every meal and snack regularly throughout the day. This way you are able to perform and feel your best. It’s not just about the number on the scale. Let’s have a healthy and positive relationship with our food as that is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures!

Be sure to look for my next blog as I will be sharing particular fad diets and why they are not recommended. I will also discuss proper and realistic weight loss goals- you don’t want to miss it!



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